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Literary Male Dog Names

The name Aesop is a derivative of the ancient Greek name Aisopos. Unfortunately, the exact meaning of the name is uncertain at this time. The most famous bearer of the name was the person who wrote what we all know as 'Aesop's Fables', and even his history is sketchy at best although his fables have survived.
Aladdin is an Arabic name that means 'the very pinnacle of faith'. The most famous bearer of the name is the character in the novel “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” which was one of the stories of “The Book of One Thousand and One Nights”. Most of us would be familiar with the Disney animated version of the story.
Attica is a region in Greece where Athens is located and the name was actually applied as a surname, as an identification for where the bearer was from.
August is a variant of Augustus. Augustus originates in Latin language and means "exalted". This was the name of the first emperor of the Roman Empire. As a masculine given name it sounds rather old-fashioned in modern times and is rarely used.
Balzac is a French name that is closely related to Balsan and Balssa. These names are believed to be derivatives of the Latin 'balteanus' which means 'a horse with white spots on its legs'.
Bond is a derivative from a very old English word “bonde” which means 'to dwell'. The term was associated with a farmer who held lands which was bound by loyalty to the local lord.
Booker is a modern version of the Old English name “Boker”. It is derived from the Old English term “bocere” which is derived from “boc”, meaning 'book'. The meaning could be anyone who used books, dealt with books, wrote books, or was connected to books in any way.
Byron is an Old English name that was initially used as a surname. Its origin comes from the English surname 'aet thaem byrum' which literally translates into “at the barns or cowsheds”. It is now used more often as a first name and means 'someone who comes from the barns'. It could also mean 'someone who owns a barn'.
Caesar is the variant of the Latin name Cesar. Caesar means 'to be hairy or head of hair or long hair'. This usually refers to hair that is blue-grey in color.
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